Patent Search

What is a patent search, and why is it extremely important?

The first step in obtaining a patent is to do a patent search. A patent search's main purpose is to see how different innovation is from what already exists.

The patent search shows an insight into what information about the proposed invention is publicly available. A patent search can help you find and compare similar or relevant patent or non-patent documents to see if your proposed invention is patentable.

There are other types of patent searches, but we intend to file a patent application known as a patentability search. A patentability search looks for the closest existing things of the proposed invention in existing patents and other documentation. The initial term applies to patent literature and other publicly available materials.

Advantage of Patent Search

Defining the Patent's Scope

A person must commit both time and money to file a patent. Conducting a patent search is recommended to save time and money. Due to this process, the individual who wants to file for a patent will learn if their innovation is genuinely new or if it already exists in the public domain

Provide a plan for overcoming future       objections.

The Patent Office examines the proposed invention for novelty, inventive step, and industrial application after the patent is filed. During the patent search in India, this analysis may uncover some closest prior arts of the proposed invention. If a patent search is performed, it is simple to demonstrate technological distinctions in response to the specified prior skills.

Patent specifications have become simple.

The patent search aids the applicant and their patent agent in crafting the patent's claims and specifications. This is to guarantee that the proposed invention's claimed features do not overlap with any prior art. If a patent search is done immediately, it is much simpler to make a strong specification that will eliminate the possibility of the invention overlapping with prior arts reporting similar inventions.

How to Search for Patents

In India, conducting a patent search is free of charge. The Patent Database of India, which can be found at, can be used to do a patent search.

There are two ways to conduct a patent search publishing type, depending on the status of a patent application: published or granted. By checking the option, the user can select the desired publication type. The user can choose from a variety of categories, such as

• Application Date

• Title

• Abstract

• Complete Specification

• Application Number

• Patent Number

• Applicant Number

• Applicant Name

• Inventor Name

• Inventor Country

• Inventor Address

• Filing office

• PCT Application Number

• PCT Publication number

The user can manage the category using the drop-down box for the entire category.

Why TaxDraw?

• A dedicated expert will be assigned to you.

• Your TaxDraw legal expert will take your request and do a comprehensive database search.

• We'll examine the work closely and compare it to others.

• We'll look into every element of the invention, including its potential uses across industries and its advantages over existing products.

• You may also use our user-friendly dashboard to check the status of your patent application at any time.