Overview on Trademark Registration
Trademark is a protection provider for any type of business or brand under their trade mark category. There are 45 Trademark classes where you wish to protect your trade name or brand name and where you can trade your brand name in the form of sector. If your desire to protect your name, reputation, products, services, ideas or any type of designs, you have to go through the Register of Patents. In case of trademarks are being utilized by third party without your permission, Trademarking permits you to take a legal action.
What is Online Trademark Registration?
Trademark is a symbol, phrase or sign that is utilized to express a particular services or products. From all other products or services, it helps in differentiating the services or product. It also behaves as recognition of company’s ownership.
• A mix of colors
• Tagline
• Slogan
• Logo
• Phrase
• Word
• Letter
• Product Name
• Business Name
• Person Name
There are many advantages of trademark registration for your brand name:
The Trademark Registration provides you the unique rights to utilize the registered trade mark and also allow the owner to protect any type of unauthorized usage of trademark items.
In case the trademark is being used by any third person without approval of the owner, the owner can take a legal action and sue the person if you have registered your brand name, logo, design or any type of slogan.
Trademark assists the consumers to detect about the products or services easily. The trademark registration confirms that your competitors will not use and the trade mark customers will not be confused.
Registered Trademarking is a right asset in which you can sell, assign, commercially contract or franchise. It is an intellectual property for the business..
In India, forming a sole proprietorship requires relatively little money. As a result, anyone looking to start a firm on a small budget can choose a proprietorship because minimum capital is required.
It assists in building permanent customers who are trustable. The quality of services or products will help the organization gain.
• Trademark helps in building loyalty and trust among all customers
• It provides legal protections for your business identity
• It shows your unique identity
• Name of applicant
• Business Objectives
• Business Type
• Registration Address
• Logo/ Brand/ Slogan Name
• Proof of registration of the organization
• Customer’s Signed Power of attorney
• Signed Form 48
• Type of Business
The Trademark registration is very convenient to get registered. You have to follow the given below steps to register a trade mark
Go through the official website of Trademark registration
It is very crucial to choose a name in which you will not face any problem while getting registered for a trade mark. In case of new organization, the applicant should find a suitable name.
Once you choose the trademark name, it is well to do a trademark search to find out the applicant exist name. If the similar name has been selected for registration is found in the database, then the name is unable to use. Once you visit the official website, go through the trademark search.
The next step is to choose the appropriate class for your organization. After selection of class, you have to upload the required documents.
Once you select the class and upload documents, the customers can proceed towards registration application form with the help of Trade Mark Registrar. The given below information should bring at the time of registration.
• Trademark or Logo.
• The Trademark owner name with complete address proof.
• Trademark classification or class.
• The fix date when the trade mark is being used
• Full description of services or products that is provided by the organization.
Sometimes you will face many questions about your application. You will get trademark objection notice and you have to respond within 30 days.
There is a chance to oppose your application by the third party. In that case you will have to give counter statement within two months. How Many Types of Trademark Classes – Popular Trade Mark Classes There are total 45 trade mark classes. All the services and products are categorized across these classes. While choosing the classes, need to be careful. Few of them are popular trademark classes in India are class9, class25, class35, and class41 which includes computer software & electronics, clothing, business management & advertising and education & entertainment respectively.
If your trademark is identical to an existing application, might be offensive to religious emotions, involves geographical names, or contains common words, it should be rejected. If it is likely to cause confusion, it will also be rejected.
You can't seem to get the word out, but it's not all doom and gloom. Instead, you may create a new logo for your company that includes the name. So there is a way out, however it is preferable to have a distinctive name.
It is entirely dependent on the government's decision. However, if it is one-of-a-kind, it is quite likely to be given.
Yes, it is possible to remove trademark from the register.
The validity of the trademark registration is 10 Years and afterwards renewal is required.