The registration of a trademark is continuous for ten years. It can, however, be kept permanent by filing an online or offline trademark renewal application every ten years and paying the requisite renewal fees. This application must be submitted within six months of the registration's expiration date. Trademark Renewal in India can assist you in keeping your trademark valid and registered eternally.
The application can be filed by either the registered owner of the trademark or an agent authorized by him.
When submitting for trademark renewal, it is essential that you seek professional advice to ensure that your brand is adequately protected.
Filing a trademark renewal application renews your trademark registration for another ten years without interruption; however, once your registration expires, you must renew it. It is vital to keep track of your trademark renewal application status until the registrar takes care of it after you file it.
The Trademark Journal is an official part of the Trademark Registry that oversees the status of trademark applications, whether they are approved or not. If they are accepted, they are published in the Trademark Journal.
Address Proof of Applicant Applicant's Proof
The Registry issues a trademark registration certificate.
It empowers the attorney to file the trademark renewal application on your behalf with the trademark registry.
The application for registration with the TM Registry must be presented.
It is feasible to have a trademark that is completely protected without the risk of a lawsuit. Renewal of trademarks makes it impossible for anybody other than the trademark owner to claim ownership.
It is possible to obtain protection from infringement of trademark rights. After each renewal, the trademark's exclusive rights are extended for another ten years. As a result, it ensures that your brand and the goodwill associated with it are protected indefinitely.
Failing to renew a trademark assures that the brand name is safeguarded eternally.
In exchange for monetary remuneration, a trademark owner has the exclusive right to assign or license the mark to someone else. As a result, a registered trademark can also be profitable
All trademark owners must recognize that they must continue to utilize their federal trademarks in interstate commerce and file the proper renewal paperwork at the required intervals to keep their federal trademarks registered.
If you renew your trademark online, you will be charged legal fees. If the requirements are completed, the Trademark Registrar will issue a renewal certificate in the trademark owner's name. The renewal will be reflected in the Trademark Journal.
Yes, it is possible to renew a trademark. Renewal of a trademark is done for ten years.
All rights possessed in a trademark, including the right to a subsequent assignment, are granted in a complete assignment; however, some restrictions on the transfer of ownership are imposed in a partial assignment.