A trademark search must be conducted in the process of filing a trademark application to uncover possibilities with existing trademark applications and even registered trademarks. One can do a trademark search by providing the word mark and the class in which the research occurs.
A trademark application is submitted under one of 45 classes according to the NICE categorization for trademarks. Each trademark class denotes a distinct group of goods and services. Individuals should utilize trademark class search tools to determine the trademark class for goods or services.
• A list of forbidden marks is provided to check the brand name or trademark to see if it contains any restricted characters.
• If the brand name includes a logo, a trademark search will provide you with information and specifics about similar brand names, according to the Vienna code classification.
• A trademark search is required to file the applicants' trademark or brand mark logo under the Trademark Act. If a similar Trademark is detected in the Trademark Registrar, the name can be modified, or a new name was chosen.
• If a similar trademark already exists, the newly applied trademark should be changed, or a new name was chosen.
• If the brand name is one-of-a-kind, it is possible to register the name. It is usually good to do a trademark search before filing a trademark application to register a trademark
• Our search is not limited to word matches that are similar or identical. We also see commonalities in word meanings.
• We create a custom trademark watch parameter to meet your specific requirements.
• Our user-friendly website allows you to save and monitor your watch reports. We offer incredibly economical services with volume savings.
• We deliver timely reports so you can safeguard your intellectual property quickly.
Select the top of the page, select wordmark as a search type
• In the trademark database, type the wordmark you want to look up. With three conditions: 'start with,' 'contains,' and 'match with,' the trademark database can be compared to the search query.
• Trademarks are divided into 45 classes, each representing a particular type of product and service. The appropriate trademark class should be entered. A trademark application or a registered trademark will only be relevant to the class in which it is filed.
• Finally, click search to begin a trademark search.